Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
The old Latin Catholic Mass "Tridentine Mass" or "Tridentine Rite"
Qvam Oblationem:
Which oblation, we beseech thee, O almighty God, that thou would vouchsafe in all respects
[Here he shall make three crosses over each , while he says,]
to ble + ss, ap + prove, rati + fy, & make reasonable & acceptable, that it may become to us
[Here he shall make a cross over the bread, saying,]
the bo + dy
[And over the chalice,]
& the blo + od
[And joining his hands he shall say,]
of thy most dearly beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ.
[Here shall the priest raise & join his hands, & afterwards wipe his fingers, & elevate the host, saying,]
Qvi Pridie:
Who on the day before he suffered took bread into his holy & adorable hands, & lifting up his eyes to heaven,
[Here shall he raise his eyes,]
to thee, O God his almighty Father
[Here shall he incline, & afterwards raise himself up a little, saying,]
gave thanks to thee, bles + sed it, brake it,
[Hear shall he touch the host, saying,]
& gave it to his disciples, saying, take, & eat ye all of this. For this is my body
[These words ought to be said in one breath, & in one utterance, without the interposition of any pause. After these words the priest should incline to the host, & afterwards elevate it above his forehead, so that it can be seen by the people, & then reverently replace it before the chalice, making the form of a cross therewith. Then he shall uncover the chalice, & hold it between his hands, not disjoining the thumb from the forefinger, except only when he makes the benedictions, saying thus:]
Likewise, after supper, taking this most excellent chalice into his holy & adorable hands, & giving thanks to thee,
[Here he shall incline, saying,]
he bles + sed it, & gave it to his disciples, saying, Take & drink ye all of this,
[Here shall the priest elevate the chalice a little, saying]
thus: for this is the cup of my blood & the new & everlasting testament, the mystery of faith, which shall be shed for you & for many for the remission of sins.
[Here he shall elevate the chalice as high as his chest, or above his head, saying,]
As oft as ye shall do these things, ye shall do them in remembrance of me.
[Here he shall replace the chalice, & rub his fingers over it, in case of any crumbs, & cover the chalice. Then he shall raise his arms in the form of a cross, with his fingers joined until the word "of thy gifts & bounties".]
Vndes et Memores:
Wherefore also, O Lord, we thy servants, with thy holy people, calling to mind both the blessed passion of the same Christ, thy son, our Lord God, & also his resurrection from the dead, together with his glorious ascension into heaven, offer to thy most excellent majesty of thy gifts & bounties,
[Here 5 +s shall be made, the first 3 over the host & chalice, at the words]
a pu + re offering, a ho + ly offering, a spot + tless offering
[The 4th over the bread, at the words]
the holy br + ead of eternal life,
[The 5th over the chalice, at the words]
& the cha + lice of everlasting salvation,
Svpra Qvae:
Upon which do we thou vouchsafe to look with a favourable & gracious countenance, & to accept them as thou did to vouchsafe to accept the gifts of thy righteous servant Abel, the sacrifice of our patriarch Abraham, & the holy sacrifice, the pure oblation, which thy high priest Melchisedech offered unto thee.
[Here shall the priest incline his body & cross his hands, while he says, "We humbly beseech thee" as far as the words,"by partaking at this Altar." And then he shall raise himself, kissing the Altar on the right of the sacrifice, & shall make the sign of the cross over the host, & over the chalice, & on his face, while he says the words
"all heavenly benediction".]
Supplices Te:
We humbly beseech thee, almighty God, command these to be borne by the hands of thy holy angel to thy altar on high, in the presence of thy divine majesty, that as many of us
[Here he shall raise himself, & kiss the altar on the right of the sacrifice, saying,]
as shall by partaking at this Altar receive the most sacred
[Here he shall make the sign of the + over the host, saying,]
bo + dy
[& over the chalice,]
& bl + ood of thy Son, may be fulfilled
[Here he shall sign himself on his face, saying:]
with all heavenly bene + diction & grace, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
[Here shall he pray for the dead.]
Remember also, O Lord thy servants & handmaidens N. & N. who have gone before us with the sign of faith, & sleep the sleep of peace; to them, O Lord, & to all who rest in Christ, we pray that thou wouldest grant a place of refreshment, light & peace. Through the Same Christ our Lord. Amen.
[Here he shall strike his breast once, saying,]
Nobis Qvoqve Peccatoribvs:
To us, also, thy sinful servants, who hope in the multitudes of thy mercies, vouch safe to grant some part & fellowship with thy holy apostles & martyrs, with John, Stephen, Matthias, Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander, Marcellinus, Peter, Felicitas, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Caecilia, Anastasia, & with all thy saints, into whose company do thou admit us, we beseech thee, not weighting our merits, but pardoning our offences. Through Christ our Lord.
["Amen" is not said here]
Per Qvem:
By whom, O Lord, thou ever createst,
[Here the priest shall make the sign of the cross over the chalice thrice, saying,]
sancti + fiest, quick + enest, bles + sest, & bestowest upon us all good things.
[Here let the priest uncover the chalice, & make the sign of the cross 5 times with the host: firstly, beyond the chalice, on either side; secondly, level with the chalice; thirdly, below the chalice; fourthly, as firstly; fifthly, before the chalice.]
Through + him, & with + him, & in + him, all honour & glory are unto thee, God the Father al + mighty, in the unity of the Holy + Ghost.
Qvam Oblationem:
[The Priest makes the 5 crosses.]
[ + 1 + 3 + 2 on paten & cup;]
[+ 4 on patent alone;]
[ + 5 on cup alone.]
Qvi Pridie:
The Priest. Life of man upon earth, fruit of labour, sustenance of endeavour, thus be thou nourishment of the Spirit!
[He touches the Host with the Lance.]
By the virtue of the Rod Be this bread the Body of God!
[He takes the Host.]
[He kneels, adores, rises, turns, shows Host to the people, turns, replaces Host, & adores. Music.]
[He takes the Cup.]
Vehicle of the joy of Man upon earth, solace of labour, inspiration of endeavour, thus be thou the ecstasy of the Spirit!
[He touches the Cup with the Lance.]
By the virtue of the Rod Be this wine the Blood of God!
[He takes the cup.]
[He kneels, adores, rises, turns, shows the Cup to the people,]
[turns, replaces the Cup,]
[& adores. Music.]
Vndes et Memores:
For this is the Covenant of Resurrection.
[He makes 5 crosses on the Priestess.]
Svpra Qvae:
Accept, O LORD, this sacrifice of love & joy, true warrants of the Covenant of Resurrection.
[The Priest offers the Lance to the Priestess, who kisses it; he then touches her between the breasts & upon the body. He then flings out his arms upward, as comprehending the whole shrine.]
Supplices Te:
Let this offering be borne upon the waves of Aethyr to our Lord & Father the Sun that travelleth over the Heavens in his name ON.
[He closes his hands. Kisses the Priestess between the breasts,]
[& makes 3 great crosses over the paten,]
[the cup,]
[& himself.]
[He strikes his breast.]
[All repeat this action.]
Nobis Qvoqve Peccatoribvs:
Hear ye all, saints of the true church of old time now essentially present, that of ye we claim heirship, with ye we claim communion, from ye we claim benediction in the name of IAO
Per Qvem:
[He makes 3 crosses on Paten & Cup together.]
[He uncovers the Cup, genuflects, takes the Cup in left hand & the Host in his right. With the Host he makes 5 crosses on Cup.]
+ 1 + 3 + 2 + 5 + 4
[He elevates the Host & the Cup. The bell strikes]
[He replaces the Host & the Cup, & adores.]
[Col Off]
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More about all this in: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan - Jünger, Jäger und Justiz
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