Theodor Reuss — Ordo Templi Orientis rituals

Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon
Theodor Reuss Rituals
Carl Kellner
Franz Hartmann

Sexmagical Instructions
Scottish Rite
Royal Arch
Rose Croix
Hermetic Brotherhood of Light
Rudolf Steiner
Chevalier Le Clément de St.-Marcq

Edited by Peter-R. Koenig

The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon — O.T.O. lamen — affiche du 3e Salon de la Rose et Croix de Peladan 1886 — dessin de Gabriel Albinet

Here's a selection of original O.T.O. initiation rituals authored by Theodor Reuss, including Scottish Rite, Cerneau, Royal Arch, Rose Croix, Albert Pike, and Laffon de Ladebat, as well as derivations from Memphis-Mizraim. However, it is important to note that Aleister Crowley altered these rituals for his English branch. Reuss did not use Crowley's rituals (remodeled between 1912 and 1918) and maintained a strict separation between the Ordo Templi Orientis and Crowley's concept of Thelema. In fact, there is evidence that Crowley was expelled from the O.T.O. in 1921.

Carl Karl Kellner Academia Masonica Ordo Templi Orientis Hermetic Brotherhood of Light Hallein
Carl Kellner
Theodor Reuss Peregrinus Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O.
Theodor Reuss
Aleister Crowley Baphomet Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O.
Aleister Crowley
[Colored with AI]

  • English version: O.T.O. — Early Years and Development.
  • Deutsche Version: Zur Geschichte des Ordo Templi Orientis.
  • Versione italiano: Ordo Templi Orientis — I primi anni e la sua evoluzione.
  • Traduction française: L’ancien O.T.O. et son évolution.
  • Traduccion castellano: O.T.O. — Original y su Desarrollo.

    Theodor Reuss, Rudolf Steiner, Aleister Crowley

    Joanny Bricaud: Notes Historique sur le Rite Ancien et Primitiv de Memphis-Misraim.
      По русски: Древний и Изначальный Устав Мемфиса-Мицраима: Исторические заметки.
  • Reuss O.T.O. Lamen

    Sar Peladan — Babylon — Theatre de la Rose Croix

    On-line articles on Theodor Reuss

    On November 20th, 1917, Laban de Laban had O.T.O. contracts ratified at considerable cost. As a result, he was given permission to open his own Masonic lodges in accordance with O.T.O. statutes.
    Following this, on November 3rd, 1917, Laban became the first Grand Master of his 'Mystic Temple'.

    Ordo Templi Orientis Veritas Mystica Maxima Monte Verità Johann Adam Meisenbach Rudolf Jean Baptiste Attila Laban de Varalja Ascona Mary Wiegmann Elga Feldt Suzanne Perrottet Käthe Wulff Frau Lederer Imre Schreiber W. Rosenblum Sisters Beraly Coleman de Montcabrie Ruckeschell Ordo Templi Orientis Veritas Mystica Maxima Monte Verità Johann Adam Meisenbach Rudolf Jean Baptiste Attila Laban de Varalja Ascona Mary Wiegmann Elga Feldt Suzanne Perrottet Käthe Wulff Frau Lederer Imre Schreiber W. Rosenblum Sisters Beraly Coleman de Montcabrie Ruckeschell Ordo Templi Orientis Veritas Mystica Maxima Monte Verità Johann Adam Meisenbach Rudolf Jean Baptiste Attila Laban de Varalja Ascona Mary Wiegmann Elga Feldt Suzanne Perrottet Käthe Wulff Frau Lederer Imre Schreiber W. Rosenblum Sisters Beraly Coleman de Montcabrie Ruckeschell

    Additionally, there are more photos of Laban de Laban, Ida Hofmann, Henry Oedenkoven, Mary Wiegmann, and many others in this gallery.

    Theodor Reuss Rudolf Laban de Laban Vertrag Ordo Templi Orientis 1917

    1917 Vertrag / Contract Theodor Reuss — Laban de Laban

    Theodor Reuss Hans Rudolf Hilfiker Laban de Laban Ordo Templi Orientis 1917

    1917 Vertrag / Contract Theodor Reuss — Hans Rudolf Hilfiker

    ["Der Grosse Theodor Reuss Reader"]

    Laban de Laban Theodor Reuss

    1917 Theodor Reuss — Laban de Laban
    [Visit the Gallery]

    Laban de Laban Hans Rudolf Hilfiker Mary Wiegmann Theodor Reuss

    1918 Theodor Reuss — Laban de Laban, Hans Rudolf Hilfiker, Mary Wiegmann
    [Robin P. Marchev: "Wahrheitssucher und Schwindler. Aus der Chronik der Loge Libertas et Fraternitas. 1916-1925." Oberengstringen 1990.]

    Hans Rudolf Hilfiker Engelhard Pargaetzi Rolf Merlitschek Martin Bergmaier Theodor Reuss

    1919 Theodor Reuss — Hans Rudolf Hilfiker, Engelhard Pargaetzi, Rolf Merlitschek, Martin Bergmaier
    ["Materialien Zum O.T.O."]

    Ordo Templi Orientis: "Hermetic Brotherhood of Light"/Order of the Asiatic Brethren

    © of the translations: P.R. Koenig

    More Reuss picture material.

    Other related facsimiles can be found at Pictures + Documents.

    Visit also the gallery.

    Pre-Ordo Templi Orientis

    Theodor Reuss Outer Head of the Ordo Templi Orientis — Caput Ordinis

    Ordo Templi Orientis

    Theodor Reuss Ordo Templi Orientis Memphis Misraim Stationary

    The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon — Theodor Reuss to Aleister Crowley — Hermetic Brotherhood of Light Theodor Reuss to Aleister Crowley, 1917

    English: Theodor Reuss and the Brothers of Light in the Seven Churches of Asia. The origins of Brotherhood of Light of Theodor Reuss.
    Deutsch: Die Brueder des Lichtes der sieben Gemeinden in Asien. Theodor Reuss' Hermetische Bruderschaft des Lichtes.
    Français: Les Frères de Lumière dans les Sept Églises d'Asie. Les origines de la Fraternité de Lumière de Theodor Reuss.

    To the extent that the pre-Crowley Reuss O.T.O. rituals are concerned, they are relatively easy to obtain through conventional Masonic sources. Reuss only administratively granted the I° ("Probationer") and II° ("Minerval") degrees. Individuals from these degrees were part of the "Probationers Class" of membership referred to in the Order's 1917 Constitution. In practical terms, "Probationer" membership appears to have been a corresponding membership, similar to the Associate Membership introduced in the Crowleyan version.
    It was typical under Reuss' leadership to initiate individuals into the O.T.O. at a degree equivalent to their initiation in other Masonic organizations. Therefore, Crowley joined the Reuss O.T.O. by virtue of his 33°, which he had obtained from another source.
    In Reuss' time, III° members were required to go through all three Masonic Blue Lodge Degrees, in case they had not already received them. Despite various attempts over several centuries, there has never been any apparent standardization of these rituals among regular Masons. It is unclear whether this was the case in Reuss' O.T.O.
    During Reuss' era, most initiators had obtained their Blue Lodge Degrees under Masonic jurisdictions outside of the O.T.O. Although Reuss had a charter to perform the rituals of John Yorker's Ancient & Primitive Rite, it does not appear that the use of the Memphis & Mizraim craft degrees was ever widespread in Reuss' O.T.O.
    Crowley's modified rituals for what is now known as the Oasis degrees appear to have been the first attempt to implement a special "O.T.O." type of these rituals.

    After Aleister Crowley was expelled from the O.T.O., the rituals were completely purged of any thelemic references.

    Regarding Crowleys antidemocratic, racist and misanthropic writings, current followers point out: "The reason [...] aspects of Thelema are omitted [in public discussion] indicates the actual problem with presenting Thelema as a religion and attempting to get Thelema sanctioned by the government or approved by the public: Thelema is ultimately in contrast to and transgressive of normative society. Thelema rejects the morals and values of normative society and acts to transgress and violate these norms. From the inclusion of intoxicants in ritual, to the positive view of sexuality, which frequently is seen as promoting promiscuity, to the pro–authoritarian and Nietzschian aspects of Thelema, normative society has much to reject in Thelema and conversely, Thelema encourages its adherents to reject most aspects of normative society.". See The Templar's Reich.

    • After Theodor Reuss had expelled Crowley from the O.T.O., he planned several new enterprises, e.g. T.A.W.U.C. (the collaboration with A.M.O.R.C. called The A.M.O.R.C. World Union Council) in December 1921.
    The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon — collaboration between O.T.O. and A.M.O.R.C

    • Regarding the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, the F.R.A., AAORRAC, the Societas Rosicruciana in Germania et Austria and T.A.W.U.C., Reuss wrote his Einladung for 1922.

    • Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn: Die Gnostiker und die Unsichtbare Kirche. Mitglied von Reuss' O.T.O.: über asketische Sexualmagie.
        English translation: The Gnostics. — About the Gnostic Catholic Church, Androgyn + Gynandria, E.C.H. Peithmann, Peryt Shou, and the immissio membri virilis in vaginam in avoidance of the ejaculatio seminis.

    Some of these rituals and instructions are published in their original German, English or French version in following print books:


           Theodor Reuss — founder of the Ordo Templi Orientis

      Theodor Reuss — founder of the O.T.O.

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    More about all this in: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz
    Mehr über diese Orden und ihre Protagonisten in: Andreas Huettl und Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz

    © Peter-Robert Koenig

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