"How to make your own McOTO"

O.T.O. Phenomenon Books
How To Make Your Own McO.T.O.

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Im Auftrag der A.·. A.·.
"How to make your own McOTO"

Facsimiles of Theodor Reuss' transcripts of the rituals (german), plus facsimiles of Aleister Crowley's handwritten (english) O.T.O. rituals.
Also: Crowley's handwritten Golden Dawn- and A.·. A.·.-rituals, plus his handwritten ritual for the "Order of Thelema".

Crowley material: IN ENGLISH.

310 pages, ISBN: 3-927890-35-9

Bavaria 1996
How to make your own McOTO


I°-III° in deutscher Sprache, uebersetzt von C.H. Petersen
Lodge of Perfection and IV° Holy Royal Arch of Enoch — with:
"Synopsis of Grades"
IV° The Mystical Lecture
Council of Princes of Jerusalem
18°/V° Grad: Hohes Kapitel der Ritter vom Rose-Croix (Reuss)
VI° The  Ceremony of  Illustrious Knights  Templar of the Order of
     Kadosh and of Dame Companions of the Order of the Holy Grail
Liber LXX
VII° Grossrat der Mystischen Templer (Reuss)
VII° The Perfect Ceremony of Grand Inquisitor Commander 31° Prince
     of the  Royal Secret  32° and Sovereign Grand Inspector General
     33° and last degree of Freemasonry — again:
(the "Lower Grades")
IX° Liber C
X° De Homunculo
IX° Secrets 
"Planet prepared for incarnations"
Schwur und magisches Siegel des 96° (Reuss)
Ritual of 0.=0.
Microcosm, Clairvoyance
Ritual CXX — Order of Thelema
Ritual of passing through the water ("wear the Abramelin things")
Invocation of Horus

Lettre du Crocodile Peter Robert Koenig How To Make Your Own McOTO

Theodor Reuss Ordo Templi Orientis Grossrat VII° der Mystischen Templer Bruder Brüder des Lichtes der Sieben Gemeinden in Asien Grals Genosse Theoretischer Rosenkreuzer Mysterien des Mithras Kultes Grandcouncillor of the Mystical Templars Magus of the Light Graal Comrade and Theoretical  Rosicrucian Brothers of the Light of the Seven Congregations in Asia Mysteries of the Mithras cult
Theodor Reuss Ordo Templi Orientis Grossrat VII° der Mystischen Templer Bruder Brüder des Lichtes der Sieben Gemeinden in Asien Grals Genosse Theoretischer Rosenkreuzer Mysterien des Mithras Kultes Grandcouncillor of the Mystical Templars Magus of the Light Graal Comrade and Theoretical  Rosicrucian Brothers of the Light of the Seven Congregations in Asia Mysteries of the Mithras cult

Ordo Templi Orientis Aleister Crowley's 1914 O.T.O. system with 12 degrees, grades

Aleister Crowley Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O. VII Degree The Perfect Ceremony of Grand Inquisitor Commander 31° Prince of the  Royal Secret  32° and Sovereign Grand Inspector General 33° and last degree of Freemasonry

Carl Heinz Petersen Fines Transcendam Kâlîkânanda Hermann Joseph Metzger Paragranus Aleister Crowley Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O. Rituale rituals Abramelin

More about all this in: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz.

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This book's facsimile reproductions have been partly used for the English O.T.O. Rituals and Sexmagick.
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