Sascha and Karl Germer

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[Colored with AI]

Karl Germer GESTAPO Haftbefehl 13. Februar 1935 Aleister Crowley

Karl Germer Saturnus military

[From: 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.']

The FBI documents on Germer report that he allegedly twaddled about the Master Race.

Karl Germer FBI Herrenmensch Karl Germer FBI Herrenmensch Karl Germer FBI Herrenmensch

"Informant advised that subject has stated he is of the opinion that HITLER is right in believing Germans are the "Master Race". Subject's conversation is alleged to be violent Nazi propaganda."
*** that he has often heard of ALEISTER CROWLEY's being consulted by HITLER concerning his "Black Magic" and he has often heard GERMER state that he, GERMER, is a believer of HITLER's ideology to the extent that he, too, believes that the Germans are a "Master Race".
I have felt worried because his conversation is violent Nazi propaganda."

The fact that someone ended up in a concentration camp does not necessarily exempt him from a fascist worldview.

Das Milieu des Templer Reichs — Die Sklaven Sollen Dienen. Hanns Heinz Ewers — Lanz von Liebenfels — Karl Germer — Arnoldo Krumm–Heller — Martha Kuentzel — Friedrich Lekve — Hermann Joseph Metzger — Christian Bouchet — Paolo Fogagnolo — James Wasserman. Unbequeme Aspekte in der Geschichte des O.T.O. und Thelema.

Aleister Crowley — Karl Germer

Aleister Crowley Karl Germer Ordo Templi Orientis
[From 'Noch Mehr Materialien Zum O.T.O.']

Aleister Crowley Karl Germer Ordo Templi Orientis
[From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.']

Aleister Crowley Karl Germer Ordo Templi Orientis
[From 'Noch Mehr Materialien Zum O.T.O.']

Karl Germer Lady Frieda Harris Ordo Templi Orientis Official Receiver Aleister Crowley

Correspondence between Karl Germer and Frieda Harris.

Karl Germer Aleister Crowley Lloyds Bank Chambers

Karl Germer to the Lloyds Bank Chambers in England, 1947, December 13 (Collage).

Ordo Templi Orientis, Aleister Crowley, Karl Germer, Saturnus, Sascha Germer Friedrich Frederic Mellinger Last Will Testament, Outer Head of the Order
[From: 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.']

Karl Germer (Saturnus), Kenneth Grant (Aossic), Ordo Templi Orientis, O.T.O. system

On 3rd May, 1952 Karl Germer (Saturnus) wrote to Kenneth Grant (Aossic), saying: “Nor am I against the O.T.O. system, or the system of Degrees. Only, paradoxically, I have very little interest in it. I wish someone could take the whole work, and the responsibility for the burden which A.C. laid on my incompetent shoulders, off me! [...]. If we want to get the O.T.O. properly going again, we need a competent leader, not only for England but for the world. [...]. I have often thought that you might well be chosen for the job.”
[From: 'Noch Mehr Materialien Zum O.T.O.']

More Germer/Grant documents.
Documents: Karl Germer to Kenneth Grant.

Karl Germer Saturnus Aleister Crowley Little Essays Towards Truth Kleine Aufsätze die zur Wahrheit führen
Karl Germer Saturnus Aleister Crowley Little Essays Towards Truth Kleine Aufsätze die zur Wahrheit führen

Karl Germer as translator for the Swiss Ordo Templi Orientis:
  • Äquinox III, Zuerich, September 1955
    Edition: 1000
  • Page 6 at the bottom: "This book was translated into German by Karl Germer". Above: Paragranus/Hermann Joseph Metzger's preface.
    At the end of the book, an inlet/flyer showing the order system of the A.·. A.·. and the tree of life.
  • page 83: "Meister Therion — heute seine bevollmächtigten Nachfolger — ..." / "... his current authorized successors ..."
  • page 85: "Wollt ihr euch organisieren schreibt an die Bevollmächtigten von Meister Therion (Adresse beim Verlag)" / "do you wish to become organized so write to the authorized persons of Master Therion (address via this publisher)"

  • Karl Germer Saturnus worldwide first publication of Aleister Crowley Liber 65, commented
    Karl Germer Saturnus worldwide first publication of Aleister Crowley Liber 65, commented
    Karl Germer Saturnus worldwide first publication of Aleister Crowley Liber 65, commented

    Äquinox IX, Stein/Appenzell, September 1958
    Edition: 500
    PREFACE page 8-9 by Karl Germer, signed with the astrological symbol for Saturn.
    Worldwide first publication of Aleister Crowley's Liber 65, commented.
    Three years later, Germer about this publication: [...] "their DU [in capital letters] in a holy text is a blasphemy [...]. "They have published also "LXV" and "VII" in my translations, and — "horribile dictu" — changed arbitrarily some vital passages. Since I criticised them, they don't answer my letters. The Swiss are a strange crowd," Germer in a letter to Marcelo Ramos Motta on September 24th, 1961.

    Hermann Joseph Metzger Sascha Germer

    Karl Germer Death Announcement 1962

    Sascha Germer's Diary about Karl Germer's death.


  • Karl Germer: Never OHO of the O.T.O.
  • Letter to Jane Wolfe: April 14, 1941.
  • Detailed biography.
  • Another biography.
  • Gallery: Sascha and Karl Germer.
  • Gallery: Sascha Germer, Jane Wolfe, Phyllis Seckler, Karl Germer.
  • Gallery: Karl Germer's Personal Letters.
  • Sascha Germer's Diary about Karl Germer's death.
  • Last Will and Testament.
  • Legal dispute after Karl Germer's death.
  • History of the O.T.O. in the U.S.A.

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